Please feel free to reach out to talk about ideas and collaborations.
Please feel free to reach out to talk about ideas and collaborations.
Just imagine that you thank your life to the fact that your mother was raped by a person who killed her whole family? How would this influence your relationship with her? How does it influence the rest of your life? That’s a question documentary filmmakers Emmi van den Boom and Tove Tikkanen Jönn researched in Rwanda for their new documentary Children of Hate.
During 2020 and beginning of 2021 I worked as a content producer for Sida, the Swedish International Development Agency in Stockholm. During the Covid-19-year I produced videos, images and social media posts that engaged the Swedish public with the development work that is financed by tax-money. Here you find some of the videos I made during my year as a consultant at the communication department.
I was a consultant through the company Global Reporting.
Vierentwintig jaar geleden vond de genocide in Rwanda plaats. Een oorlog waarin de strijders van de Hutu-stam tussen de achthonderdduizend en één miljoen leden van de Tutsi-stam vermoordden. Honderdduizenden vrouwen werden verkracht. De kinderen die daardoor werden geboren, worden children of hate genoemd. Emmi van den Boom reisde af naar Rwanda en praatte met de moeders en hun kinderen.
If Lia Grace Simon could follow her dreams, her children would go to the best schools, she would work in her own private hospital and her new house would be built by now. But Lia Grace cannot follow her dreams. Because Lia Grace is from South Sudan, a country that has been engulfed in war since 2013 and is, according to the UN, descending into a genocide [2017].
I am an allround (digital) storyteller, specially interested in stories about women, human rights and sustainability. I am skilled in journalism, personal portraits, photography, filmmaking and social media. Made the award winning documentary A Call From Water Tank 6. Graduated journalist and anthropologist from University of Amsterdam, School of Journalism in Utrecht and the Red Cross Filmschool in Stockholm.
De modepolitie in Iran is niet overal even streng meer. Vooral het noorden van Teheran gaat losjes om met de voorschriften, waardoor vrouwen zich vrijer voelen zich te kleden naar hun bui.
Ruim twee miljoen mensen zijn Zuid-Soedan ontvlucht sinds de gewelddadige burgeroorlog die in 2013 begon. Ze hopen dat Oeganda hen een veilige plek kan bieden. Documentairemaakster Emmi van den Boom volgt Lia Grace Simon en haar kinderen in Palorinya, een vluchtelingenkamp in het noordoosten van Oeganda.
In een baai van een streng islamitisch dorp in Iran pakken een paar stoere vrouwen hun vrijheid door te gaan surfen.
Naast Thomas Erdbrink is er nóg een Nederlander bezig met tv-werk in Iran: actrice Marene Miller.